Can I be a hero?

Can I be a hero?
Yes, you can.
If you like being in the public eye, come and be a SpectACTOR in our next play.
Invisible Marks will happen in your local time zone on:
Saturday, March 18 at 03:30 PM Coordinated Universal Time
If you don't like being in the spotlight, you can just choose to become a #NetZeroHuman straight away. And get featured on our LeaderBoard.

What's a SpectACTOR?
Haven't heard the term? Not surprising.
Hazael Gomes, the playwright of Invisible Marks, had. So she's worked you into her play.
All you have to do is be yourself. Imagine having a role without having any lines to memorize!
Or, if you prefer, you can just be a passive spectator.
For either role, book here.
Who else is coming?
Some pretty well-known people.
From a time-zone near you.
If you'd like to see the entire gallery of people who have volunteered to be SpectACTORS, keep watching this space.
If you'd like to join them, come be part of The Red Curtain's interactive digital play.

The Red Curtain who?

If you landed up on this page because a climate activist friend of yours asked you to, it's not surprising that you have not heard of us.
We are quite low profile. Though we have been around for over 50 years.
We just like doing good theatre for good causes.
Plays like Invisible Marks.
The world needs saving?
Actually, humans do.
The Earth will survive Climate Change.
We won't.
But, we hear you ask, can one person change the world?
Yes, you can.
Let us edutain you.

I need edutainment?
The Invisible Marks interactive play has two "artificial intelligences".
Dr. White has a sense of humor. Dr. Black, shall we say, is a bit more visual.
They help you discover what a tragi-comedy our lives are.
Fortunately, they also show you how the human race need not become extinct.